Case Study: La Sosta della Tartaruga


The company


The social cooperative “La Sosta della Tartaruga” is a haven of sustainability and hospitality located in Genoa.

The main mission of La Sosta della Tartaruga is to create a sustainable and inclusive environment.


With the mission of providing an unforgettable experience to their guests from around the world, the cooperative has realized the importance of effectively communicating in different languages.

colazione a La Sosta della Tartaruga

The challenge


Facing a language barrier, they requested the translation of some information brochures, guest messages and pages of their website into three languages, thus making the experience more accessible and engaging.

The strategy


Our first step was to immerse our selfs in the culture of the cooperative, fully understanding their objective of promoting sustainable tourism.

We analysed the texts to be translated and then selected trusted and specialised resources with specific experience in tourism and marketing.


This allowed us to convey the message in an authentic and engaging way, while maintaining the integrity of the original information.

sito web La Sosta della Tartaruga

The result


In total, we translated 42,000 words, completing the project in only four working days.


Through high quality multilingual translations, La Sosta della Tartaruga enriched the experience of potential visitors from all over the world, improving their search and booking process at the property.

What they say about us


“Creative Words has performed a translation and adaptation task for us that was by no means easy or straightforward.

It involved expressing both the language of our Social Cooperative for work integration of people with disabilities and the more commercial language of the tourism sector in which our project, a reception facility in Genoa, is immersed.


Considering that we requested support for three different areas – the website, the facility’s manuals, and customer communications – and for three different languages – English, French, and German – the workload was substantial, and we were amazed by the speed and precision of the execution.

All the material was delivered professionally, well-organized, and easy to use.

Thanks to this work, our external communication has taken a big step forward!