Francesca Miglietta

creative words

Francesca Miglietta

Project Manager Team Lead & Account Manager

Caffeine addict. Extremely sarcastic, she never takes herself too seriously. Loves food, hates cooking. In Spain, she found her second home.


Francesca has always loved the idea of doing a job that helps connect people all over the world.


She began cultivating her interest in languages and translation during her teenage years, when she spent most of her free time translating the lyrics of awkward boyband songs.


After completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages and Culture, she earned her MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Genoa.

miglietta francesca

She worked for a few months as a volunteer Italian teacher for refugees and asylum seekers, before leaving for Valencia, Spain, where she spent the last year of her MA studying abroad. Living in such a lively, dynamic city was a life-changing experience that also gave her the opportunity to learn new languages like Spanglish and Itañol. After graduating in Genoa, she went to Spain once again to complete an internship as an Italian Language Assistant at the University of Valencia. She is now based in Genoa but still goes back to Spain every now and then to recharge, thanks to tapas and sangria.


    Creative Words, servizi di traduzione, Genova